Simple tool box joiner, carpenter and the plumber, he would not pomeshal.V general all artisans to note, bundle.
This box was made from the remains of the material during installation lestnitsy.A Smerekova more precisely under the stairs. The wood is light and well-fed obrabotke.Da and the perfect size: thickness 20 mm, width 200 mm and the length sale is from 90-120 santimetrov.Dlya such a convenient chest need only two stupnya.Kak about to make a wooden briefcase look up pictured above, it is very easy to describe and nothing special.
Video-fashioned wooden box for joinery accessories, which was used even our grandparents.And if a lot of tools in the hands of not donesti.Pridelat to the box and the wheels will cool trolley raboty.foto.
wooden. tool .box.
how to use it in the garden ??? This is only done under the pots with flowers and carry